Happy family having fun time at home. Parents playing smiling with childrens together

Holistic Approach

At Touch of Joy, we use a holistic approach to treat your health conditions. We understand that not one single treatment alone can treat a health condition, but a combination of treatments with a multi-disciplinary approach. Today, we offer the benefits of a holistic approach to various health conditions. In addition, we also incorporate different types of therapies that are known to be beneficial in the treatment of health conditions. We believe in strengthening your body in its entirety, improving your health and well-being; physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Services Offered

However, the following are the holistic treatment programs that we offer:

Counselling on Quality of life issues

At Touch of Joy, we counsel about the problems of obesity , hypertension, stress, and anxiety. We believe that many of these health conditions can be improved if you have a positive outlook on life.

Happy mother piggybacking daughter at beach
Sad pensive couple thinking of relationships problems sitting on sofa, conflicts in marriage

Family Counseling

In today’s world, we feel that we are left to deal with all the problems that arise in the family. Whether it is a marital issue, infertility problems, or a child going through a divorce, there is always someone to turn to. However, there are times when even this is not enough. At Touch of Joy, we offer family counselling services to help you deal with the issues and support the entire family to get on the same page and work together.

Couple Counseling

Couple counselling is a therapeutic approach where both partners participate in the process. We know that talking about sensitive issues shared within one’s family and workplace can be challenging. At Touch of Joy, we offer couple counselling, and we believe in working together to find solutions to our problems.

Healthy lifestyle guidance

At Touch of Joy, we understand the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Whether it is the diet you follow, exercise routine, or sleep patterns, everything is interlinked with each other. However, most of us have forgotten the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle over the years. At Touch of Joy, our holistic approach to treatment allows us to work with you on your health issues and also help you develop good habits that will contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Dealing with pregnancy related stress

Pregnancy is a time of so many changes. You have got a new life growing inside you, you have given birth to your unique energy, and you have started a new phase in your life. However, there are times when stress can creep into your life and impact your health and that of the baby. At Touch of Joy, we offer a counselling program for pregnancy-related anxiety so that you can be the best possible mother and focus on your health and that of the baby.


Happy caucasian mother holding her little small baby son daughter spending time together.

Celebrating Life’s Miracles: with Touch of Joy, where health, wellness, and fertility converge for a symphony of joy. 


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